• Motherhood,  Nice Things

    Why women {mothers} can’t have nice things.

    I had a conversation recently at a friend’s baby shower about motherhood. Specifically my friend and new mom, Jen, kept apologizing, saying something like: “I’m so sorry guys, I didn’t know how hard this was. I wish I had done more when you had your babies. I knew it was going to be hard but this is, like, really hard.” We all had that moment of solidarity and commiseration – like, yup – shits hard man. You can’t really understand it until you’re in it. Of course, none of us were thinking that she hadn’t done enough for us when we were new moms. But we did all know exactly…

  • Hi.

    On Being Not Okay

    I once had a coworker tell another coworker that she thought I was unstable.  Unstable. Adjective. Prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood. “She was mentally unstable”. Synonyms: unbalanced, of unsound mind, mentally ill, deranged, demented, crazed, distracted, troubled, disturbed, unhinged, insane, mad, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare, raving mad, lunatic, out of one’s mind/head, not in one’s right mind, neurotic, psychotic; more. Let’s be fair, even not knowing the circumstances, this is pretty harsh. And let me tell you, if you knew the backstory of the drama llama whose mouth this came out of, you’d know it was bullshit. But even though that…